
We connect students to the innovation ecosystem of the countries, making that universities students projects of of the world have a real use in the society, while solving challenges of companies, government ...Co-Creation Experience: Collaborative Innovation Platform + Interactive Co-Creation Methodology (entertaining courses) + Interactions (between Companies, Universities, Government, Society, Mentors) + Significant Moments (share what is done in universities as stories)1.4 billion students worldwide are developing projects in classes that have no real use in society. Can you imagine what we could achieve if we put them to solve the problems of the world instead of making the case of the book?While they solve them they win prizes, they are recruited by companies, they start their own startups ...More than 5.500 students, +35 universities, hundreds of challenges and companies... in a little bit more than a year!!!

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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