spherical lifebouy

Our idea is a special ball. The ball has two parts. The external part is a special ruber-layer that is resilient then when the ball knocks against something it will spring out. The second part in an empty room that one person can sit inside. The value of this part is caculated in such a way that the ball can float. The bottom of the ball is set with some heavy material so that one who sits insides the ball can keep balance easily. Opposite to the bottom is a vent hole so that the victim can breathe when they get air. The skin of ball in the position that is opposite to bottom is designed in special way so that the victim can rise, jut out or recoil when they want to see and breathe. There are four other places with the similar design like this so that the victim can use their hands or their legs if they want. There is also a door so that the victim can get inside as they get into taxi.
When the storm comes with flood, people, especially who do not know how to swim, will open the door of the ball and get inside in such a way that their head, bottom, hands and legs put in the right place where they can move easily: jutting out and recoiling. Then they get out of house to avoid being trapped in the house if the house collapses. Then if there is flood, the ball will float, they float also and they can flow until they get safe place or rescued by ships or helicopter. While they are floatting, they still can breathe through vent hole put in top of the ball and see what is in ahead. If they find that they are stucked in something, they can use hands or legs to move out. The ball is round so it reduce the risk of being striked in maximum way. Moreover, they still can keep getting oxygen to breathe when they flow. They can put some food on the empty if they want so when they still are found by rescue team, they can keep surviving. When it is brighter, the helicopter will rescue them easily because they can locate the position of ball floating in the water.
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He estado sufriendo de VIH y herpes genital durante los últimos 3 años y 8 meses, y desde entonces he estado tomando una serie de tratamientos, pero no he mejorado hasta que encontré testimonios del Dr. TAKUTA sobre cómo ha curado a diferentes personas. de diferentes enfermedades en todo el mundo, luego lo contacté también. Después de nuestra conversación, me envió la medicina que tomé de acuerdo con sus instrucciones. Cuando terminé de tomar la medicina herbaria, fui a un chequeo médico y para mi gran sorpresa, me curaron del herpes. Mi corazón está tan lleno de alegría. Si padece herpes o cualquier otra enfermedad, puede comunicarse con el Dr. TAKUTA hoy mismo en esta dirección de correo electrónico: takutaspellalter@gmail.com o WhatsApp en este número de teléfono. +27788634102 ... Dr.TAKUTA también cura: 1. HEPATITIS A, B, C 2. HERPES 1/2 3.DIABETES 4 TIEMPOS. 5.STDS y ITS 6. ASESORAMIENTO MATRIMONIAL 7 CASTING ENCANTADO 8.HECHOS DE PROMOCIÓN DE TRABAJO 9. PROBLEMA MARITAL 10 HECHO
hace 5 años

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