Humanitarian organizations today are all plagued by archaic internal processes, weighted down by paper work requirements of public funding.
These requirements are necessary to avoid corruption and ensure maximum transparency on the effectiveness of donor funds, but the weight of paper work can consume 50-80% of NGO productivity reducing their focus on the beneficiaries.
But what is the solution? How can we modernize humanitarian work and bring NGO’s into the 21st century?
Leverage aims to bring modern technology and business solutions to humanitarian work. We apply the best, cutting edge technology to the humanitarian procurement and logistics process.
This process starts with a project manager selecting the items required to implement a project. Typically they only have limited supplier and potentially corrupt or inflated pricing information. With Leverage they select the products they want from an internet database of 35 million items, and 22,000 suppliers. The pricing is automatically sorted by the best and lowest possible. This can potentially dramatically reduce the corruption from supplier price inflation.
Afterwards this procurement request is sent to the logistics team who send requests for quotations, and a competitive bid analysis inside the Leverage platform. Suppliers upload their bids to a web-portal, where we lock them away, keeping them away from prying eyes until the bid-open-date.
The final competitive bid analysis (CBA) is signed electronically by the project manager by email, reducing paper work and enabling staff to work from a mobile phone!
From here a Purchase Order is generated automatically, signed with electronic signatures and emailed to the selected supplier.
The entire procurement and paper work process can be reduced to 10-20 mouse clicks.
Once the goods have arrived from the supplier our stock database tracks their arrival and records missing or pending stock. Goods are issued to field locations electronically, where they are automatically tracked with RFID tags.
The entire process can be retrieved with a single scan of the RFID tag. It uniquely identifies the item, purchase order, competitive bidding analysis, quotes which were used, and then finally the project manager and team who ordered its procurement!
The RFID scanner uses GPRS tagging data (location, timestamp, user login session, delivery signature) to identify the time and date the goods were delivered with scientific precision.
These RFID-markers are then mapped – providing the donor a 100% representation of the delivery of items and complete transparency on the use of funds.
We want to revolutionize humanitarian work for the better.
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