Without food for a couple of days we cannot move an inch. Food is the basic necessity of every organism in this world. We can survive without a shelter but not food. One can gauge the importance of food only during its non-availability like famine, drought and natural disastrous events.
Our basic idea is to introduce a universal food package, which will suffice the deficit of carbohydrates and proteins in the bodies of affectees. Those regions which are prone to drought and famine are mostly hot; therefore one must take this into consideration while preparing the universal food package. This universal food package will contain highly nutritious food which will help the person taking it up against malnutrition. Nutrition is a challenge in itself. Items which will be prioritized in selecting the universal food package are honey, milk, dates, biscuits, beverages, sugar cane, rice, maze and bottles of distilled water. These items are rich source of energy and fulfill the body needs immediately for a normal person.
This universal food package should be globally recognized to overcome food in-security and shortage during extreme conditions. In order to utilize the indigenous resources a thorough research should be conducted in under developed countries for wild plants to be used as a food like cactus. Every product in the market is recognized by a brand name, then how to recognize our universal food package. Whenever there is disaster everyone on this globe as human being wants to help the affectees in its own fashion. So, to create a global harmony there should be a standard food package having a brand name “Universal Food Package” which will be used by all welfare organizations across the globe. UNICEF should adopt an official policy of such a food package for the affected areas.
In 2005, Pakistan was hit by a massive Earthquake destroying the northern part of the country. What was observed at that time there was no consensus among the social welfare organizations and besides a lot of help from these organizations the affectees remained in miserable state, even after two months of earthquake. Same scenario was observed in 2010’s flood.
Recently, Tharparker , region of interior Sindh faced a serious famine and drought, causing deaths of hundreds of children and their mothers. The major reason behind this is malnutrition. There was no well-defined policy at that time and still we are facing the same problem. A thorough research should be conducted on food items in a particular region depending upon their customs. Like in Tharparker meat which was provided as a source of food for the inhabitants was going waste because most of the community was Hindu.
All these problems can be solved if a central command authority is established in every region of the world that ensures the response within 72 hours with specially prepared food. Hence through proper legislation and practical measures departments and organizations will be established around the globe that ensures the supply of therapeutic food within 72 hours to the people of effected area. Hence different organizations and donors will provide help to the central command authority of that particular region and it will be responsible to prepare the right diet and ensure its proper supply to its command area. The general nutrition’s lacked by children and the mothers of the affected are known owing to past experience and research.
Hence prepared packets of specially prepared therapeutic food should be made that contain the right amount of nutrients that the effected bodies need. On base of study of past data of regions, current situation and future forecast the globe will be divided into zones ranging from most critical to safe zones. Along with classifying the regions a detail survey of the eating habits of people will also be reported. Hence these organizations will ensure that the right amount of diet will be supplied to the effected children and mothers. As The Wall Street Journal noted: "Nutritionists for the first time can take treatment beyond crowded emergency feeding centers and hospitals settings, where disease can spread rapidly, and into communities where malnourished children live."
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