Lighthouse is an internet connected modular fuel cell based power unit that provides a central hub of energy for victims and first responders. The internet connection is enabled through satellite connection and a solar panel is also included on the top of the Lighthouse for an added energy source. Each Lighthouse can be pallette shipped, driven to a destination point, or dropped from the air for diverse distribution. Lighthouse comes equipped with multiple outlets that can be used to charge cell phones and other communication devices. Lighthouse also deploys with an embedded set of smaller fuel cell units called Tracks that can be removed and carried to provide power to more remote or inaccessible locations. In addition to the solar panel, the top surface of Lighthouse contains an interactive button to trigger an audio feature. The audio speakers deliver basic questions prompting local victims to identify themselves and their needs. The information is collected in cloud servers and geotagged to the Lighthouse location. Cloud servers accessed through the satellite connection in the Lighthouse will allow loved ones and responders to remotely track and identify friends and families through their Lighthouse check-ins. As the primary energy generator, both the Lighthouse main unit and removeable Tracks utilize fuel cell technology. Each fuel cell uses replaceable pucks that use a simple reaction with locally supplied water to create electricity. After the first 72 hours, more pucks can be distributed for extended portable power generation. Both the Lighthouse and Tracks are also marked with vital information and emergency response codes to connect victims to a central relief network. By texting the response code, victims can then receive SMS alerts and notifications. Responders can then track the number of victims, status, and locations, which can provide information to direct allocation and demand of resources. This system is connected into the cloud servers so the service connects both victims to information as well as streamlines relief efforts. By providing Lighthouse and Tracks energy sources, responders and victims can now locate friends and families, access vital information, and earn long-lasting power.
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Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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