DeFi For Good Green Producers Certificates

Reputaction uses blockchain technology to certify product traceability, in particular, in order to certify who contributes to the design, manufacture and marketing of products. All product information is certified by the employees themselves on the blockchain (currently NEO but we could move to another one). Nobody can cheat with false information without being detected, even Reputaction, because once saved, information can not be deleted due to the design of the open-source smart contract that has been deployed by Reputaction, which is used by the relational value marketplace and which prohibits any deletion. To continue the project, we are releasing a mobile app to certify that producers are really based in the country they claim to be and other claims in Web of trust decentralized way. The app is called Web of Certifiers as part of the DeFi For Good ecosystem. The first international DeFi For Good attracted more than 200 participants:
País de residencia líder del proyecto
¿En cuál objetivo de desarrollo sostenible apunta tu proyecto?
Goal 8: Decent Work and economic growth. Promote sustained; inclusive and sustainable economic growth full and productive employment and decent work for all,Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
¿En qué país o países opera tu proyecto?
Menciona cuál de los siguientes desafíos tiene por objetivo resolver tu proyecto
CHALLENGE # 2: Promote sustainability Can DeFi provide new financial instruments to drive and scale sustainable entrepreneurship and business models?
¿Cuál es el problema que quieres resolver?
No decentralized certification system exists for green producers and thus green washing marketing and cheating happen. Real green producers have no way to prove they are real compared to cheaters. Current permissionless DeFi don't allow green producers to get discounted loans.
¿Cuál es la solución que ideaste para resolver el problema identificado?
Our new mobile app will allow the green producers on Reputaction marketplace and other DeFi services to prove they are real producers and benefit of discounted loans as well as increased online visibility and trustworthiness.
Cuéntanos de forma resumida cuál es el impacto que busca generar tu proyecto, menciona algunos indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos con los cuales lo pretendes medir.
The mobile app certifications will allow green producers to get at least 10% discount on their loans and even more depending on the lenders willingness
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